25 frågor med inriktning musik

  • 1: If you were a tv producer and you had to choose 5 band members to live together for a reality show, who would you choose? Vet inte riktigt om dom menar 5 st från olika band elr 5 st från ett band :O Men Asking Alexandria, eftersom dom e så galna :P
  • 2: If you had to get lyrics tattooed on your body, which lyrics would they be? "I believe that we all fall down sometimes" - Black veil brides, Lost it all
  • 3: Older music or newer music? Nyare ^^
  • 4: What would you do if you worked at a restaurant and your favorite band showed up? Bli stum, dregla, gå fram o säga Hi med så normal röst som möjligt xD
  • 5: Have you ever written a letter or given a gift to a band member? Nejj men jag redigerade en bild på dead by april en gång o lade den på deras fb sida :)
  • 6: What 3 songs make you ridiculously happy? Amber pacific - The good life, Never shout never - Happy, Danny worsnop - Savior
  • 7: If you were in a band, what instrument would you play? Gitarr
  • 8: Favorite band member of all time? kan inte välja en men Ben Bruce & Andy Biersack ^^
  • 9: Have you ever gotten a tweet from your favorite band? Nej men önskar dock det o_O
  • 10: How do you feel about mosh pits? Jag skulle vilja va med om en ^^
  • 11: Have you met your favorite band yet? Näjj :(
  • 12: Name three bands you can't stand other than Blood On the Dancefloor or Brokencyde Det blir väl det vanliga, Asking alexandria & Black veil brides ;)
  • 13: Did you go through an embarrassing scene or emo phase? Tror inte det XD
  • 14: How do you feel about bands that never change their sound? Det e helt okej för då vet man direkt om dom spelar bandet på radion :)
  • 15: How do you feel about bands who have gone in a completely different direction with their sound? Det e helt okej det också ^^
  • 16: have you ever had a bad concert experience? Joo såg Dead by april sommaren 2011 o i sommar såg jag Sturm und drang 2 gånger o det var ju nog en konsert känsla ^^
  • 17: Mark Hoppus or Pete Wentz? Vet inte vem Mark Hoppus e så Pete Wentz :3
  • 18: How many songs do you have on your ipod/phone/whatever right now? 3 men använder mig av yt för annars tar det upp så jäkla mycket minne x)
  • 19: What was the first song from your favorite band that you've ever heard? Asking: someone somewhere kanske, BvB: Knives and pens
  • 20: Have you ever been stereotyped because of the type of music you listen to? Ingen aning :O
  • 21: Have you ever lost respect for a band member/band for somethign they said or did? Dom i dba då dom kickade ut Jimmie :(
  • 22: Would you rather be a roadie or a band member? Band medlem ;)
  • 23: Have you ever listened to a few seconds of a song and just thought "fuck no." and turned it off? Jo xD
  • 24: Are you good at songwriting? Ne :(
  • 25: Guitar or Bass? Gitarr FTW ;))))
hahaha så sant xD


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